Harvest Hills Impact Program

Dedicated to Empowering
The Community

At Steelhead, we understand that harnessing the power of the wind isn’t just about building clean energy that benefits the local community in the future; it's about being a good neighbor today. 

We are committed to contributing positively to the community, building meaningful relationships and adding value where we can.

Local Community Impact

The Harvest Hills Impact Program awards funds that will be granted to local initiatives throughout the year. 

This program aims to support local initiatives that promote sustainability, education, community enrichment, and positive growth. Whether you're an environmental advocate, a local school, or a charity, if your organization is making a positive impact on the community, we want to help!

Celebrating Past Recipients

We are incredibly proud of the projects we have been able to support so far, representing the diversityand passion in the community. Meet our previous grant winners:

Celebrating Past Recipients

We are incredibly proud of the projects we have been able to support so far, representing the diversity and passion in the community. Meet our previous grant winners:


[ organization name ]


[ project name ]

Grant Awarded:

[ grant amount ]


[ brief description of impact ]

We're continually inspired by the brilliant work being carried out in the community. Apply for the HarvestHills Community Giving Program today!

[ organization name]
[ project name]
Grant Awarded:
[ grant amount]
[ brief description on impact]
[ organization name]
[ project name]
Grant Awarded:
[ grant amount]
[ brief description on impact]
[ organization name]
[ project name]
Grant Awarded:
[ grant amount]
[ brief description on impact]

Apply Now

Do you know of an organization that could benefit from our program? Submit their information below!

Disclaimer: We assess all submissions based on their potential impact on the community and the feasibility of its goals

Organization name:
Organization address:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
What is your group or organization’s mission?
What is the project to be funded, how big is its overall budget and how does it benefit the community?
What dollar amount are you requesting to support this project and what will it be used for?
Please provide the names and titles of the board members, or key leaders of your organization.
Are you willing and able to provide proof of registration, or qualifying non-profit status?
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
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